This young father contacted me a couple years ago, long before he thought he would purchase a home for his growing family.
We discussed their Needs and Wants, mortgage approval, home ownership accounts, ways to improve credit, and how to obtain the ever so important deposit.
We viewed homes in many areas of Greater Vancouver, this allowed them to see what they could purchase in different locations, and whether the schools and transit would work for their lifestyle.
They made an offer on a cute place in Surrey which didn’t get accepted, so we continued to search, and search, and search. In the end they purchased a lovely home one block from their current rental, allowing their son to remain in the same school catchment, maintain the same friends, and continue with his martial arts.
It is never too early to get your ducks in a row to obtain home ownership, you may want to consider putting any extra money (no matter how little) into your RRSP. This will give you a tax break, and you’ll still be able to withdraw the money after 90 days for your new home purchase.
Never say Never