A close friend mentioned that a young family she knew, was being evicted from their home.
Understandably, the family was quite upset as the kids attended the local school, have friends in the area, sports nearby and all the amenities they have grown to rely on.
I met with the lovely family and discussed various options to them, and realized they could obtain the minimum down payment to purchase their own home. A home where they could build equity, and be a stepping stone for their growing family.
It’s not their forever home, but it would be THEIR HOME, a place where they can make memories, new connections and a great home base for everything a family needs.
They love their new area and the schools are perfect, the kids are thriving, and the parks are beautiful.
They now sleep well at night knowing they will not get evicted again, they can paint the kids rooms and hang pictures without any repercussions – THIS IS THEIR HOME
And, a very positive added bonus is after the mortgage, taxes and maintenance fees, they are paying LESS per month than they were when renting.
Lets grab a coffee and start your journey.