#StayHome Colouring Contest
Break out your crayons, pencil crayons,
felts, markers and lipstick. This contest is open to all kids & adults;
no purchase necessary
To enter, print off and colour in the page included in this package,
colour however you see fit!
Email us a scanned copy OR snap a picture of your final product!
Don't worry if you do not have access to a printer. Use a blank piece of paper
and draw your own version of our colouring page!
Email entries to shannon.bashir@gmail.com
If you'd like an email version please let me know
1st Place $500 donation to a charity of your choosing
2nd Place $300 donation to a charity of your choosing
3rd Place $200 donation to a charity of your choosing
Multiple Entries from same household welcome;
limit of 1 entry per contestant.
Submissions must be received by: 5:00 PM PT on April 27th, 2020.
Entries will be judged on accuracy and creativity.
KellerWilliams Realty VanCentral